RCEAF's Blursday 18 Month Renaissance Calendar!

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Are you tired of not knowing what day it is? Are you in danger of missing critical holidays like Shower With a Friend Day or International Sticky Bun Day? Did you catch yourself eating your Sunday roast on a Tuesday or afraid you might have had a burger on Ash Wednesday? The struggle is real my friends and we are here to help!
RCEAF teamed up with some of your favorite entertainers to bring you “Blursday - What Happens in Quarantine (.....ends up in a calendar).”

Are you wondering what some of your favorite Ren Fest performers have been up to during Quarantine? (Because we can tell you, Ded Bob isn’t the only one soaking his bones.) None of these photos have ever been seen before and they are hysterical, disturbing, and just plain not right. Some of your favorites who are included in this EPIC 18 Month Quarantine Calendar:

Oakley the Tree Man
The Raven

This calendar features a full 18 months of hilarity, starts July 2020 and ends Dec 2021! 
Buy one for you, one for a friend, plan ahead for Christmas! Share this to your friends who also love these acts!

Help others while also helping yourself to a delightful time! It's laugh or cry, baby! We can get through this together!

(You need to know when Naked Day really falls...because there’s a good chance your significant other is lying to you when they try to convince you it’s everyday.)
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